Do you know that saying “you are what you eat”, well it is also true with what and who you surround yourself with. You become your environment, you are the sum of what and who you spend your time with.
Have you noticed that where you were once optimistic, you’ve now become negative?
Look at the people you are spending the most time with. Is this how they are habitually? Did you think you could change them and instead you’ve found that they have in fact changed you?
I can recall waking up one morning recently wondering what was happening to me. Why have I been complaining so much, why was I feeling stressed and anxious…this wasn’t my normal at all. I am the queen of the silver lining; something wasn’t right and I was determined to snap out of it. Then the phone rang and I noticed how the name of the person on the other line made me feel physically.
Check your circle
Your people do not have that type of negative impact on your physical or mental health. Your people will either have the energy you want or share the energy you have and amplify it. Your people do not drag you backwards.

Once I was able to identify the source, I really started analyzing the dynamics of the relationship.
I noticed a very clear pattern. This person always had an issue (literally, no exaggeration), even if it was something that most would easily be able to identify several obvious and easy resolutions to, this person would have a reason, a BUT, as to why that is not a probable fix. And with me being mrs fix-everyone I was always trying to offer ideas to help. They had an objection for every one of them, every time.
This friendship was sucking the life out of me. This relationship was not adding value. This was leaving me depleted and negative. This person has to go because I that is not the person I want to be.
As we continue to grow and evolve, our circle will change many times over, remembering that will make it easier to accept when it happens.